A Letter to My Husband As We Struggle Through Infertility

Dear Abe, I don’t normally do this sort of thing, but you already know that. You know me better than I know myself sometimes… and…

Dear Abe,

I don’t normally do this sort of thing, but you already know that. You know me better than I know myself sometimes… and I love you for that. Our lives are about to shift for a while in the coming weeks, and I wanted to take the time to let you know how much I appreciate you during the last few months.

It’s been almost six years with you. Six years of planning and six years of dreaming of our future and what it would hold for us. We’ve came up with names for both a boy and girl, if we were so lucky to be blessed with either.

But these days, these days are the ones we didn’t see coming. For months now I’ve cried, you’ve been there to calm the storm. You were there when the doctors words hit me like a freight train, still feeling like I’m struggling to breathe.

Our dreams, aren’t just dreams anymore, they seem more like nightmares, each and every 28 days. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this with me. Is it because of me? Did I do this to my body? All the questions that doctors keep trying to assure me that it’s not a “me” thing… but that sounds all too rehearsed.

It’s been so hard seeing all of our friends effortlessly achieving a full term pregnancy, when we have very little hope for our own.

It’s been tough knowing that we could have been going through IVF, but money is tight. It seems like any chance we had, has been taken so quickly.

I hope and pray someday that our dreams of having a family of our own will come to fruition. That we will find the strength to continue. I pray that we still wake up each and every morning loving each other, even when you will be far away from home.

Our life is still good. Love is still a gift, and I hope we both continue to cherish this in the months and years ahead. I hope that one day the tears we have cried begin to dry, and we will look back on this stronger than we are today.

I love you.