Good Evening, everyone… well it will be morning by the time this is posted. But, HELLO! I seem to have a habit of going MIA with the blog, and I want to personally apologize to anyone that keeps up with my little corner of the internet.
I thought I would start back with a little recap of what’s been keeping me busy, and what my plans are for this blog. Ready, set, GO! 😉
It shouldn’t be a surprise at this point, but we moved… again. But this time, to a larger townhouse that our doods love (and still in the same area!) Since it will be just the boys and I for a while, we have a very comfortable place for the time being. 🙂
I’ve also been working full-time in human resources for a major retailer here in the Columbus area. So far it’s been a wild ride with it being retail peak season. I also took a second job with another major retailer which is going to keep me quite busy through the holiday season this year.
If any of you have kept up with my blog over the years, you may remember I was having a lot of stomach issues that started about 3 years ago… well… they have returned with a vengeance. I have been in and out of testing for the last couple months so I’m hoping to have a treatment plan here soon. Nothing is worse than having stomach pain literally every day, and every time you eat. Yuck. But, I’m hoping I get some answers soon, and I’ll be able to resume working out like I would love to do, and eating more than a handful at a time.
MY MOM & DAD came to visit! While it was supposed to be the month of our wedding (which I will explain here soon in another post), my family came to the states to visit and for my little sister’s bridal shower as she is getting married this coming year as well. I just love getting to see my mom. She is my best friend, and I hate that she is so far away for a majority of the year. But I enjoy any time I get with her when she does return. This time we even enjoyed a mother/daughter date night at none other than THE JONAS BROTHERS concert in Detroit, and let me tell you….. my 18 year old dreams came true.
It’s been one wild summer with everything going on, but I’m excited to take a little more time to keep up with the blog, and I hope that you will want to follow along! For too long I thought I needed to be just like everyone else, like all the other “big” bloggers out there because they were the ones people wanted to read about. But I’ve given up on that, and I’m just going to be me. I hope you guys like it.
Talk soon!